Beiträge von HammerTime

    Well what can I say. Thanks for not playing against us thus making it very easy for us to win yet another Desbl medal. *HAPPY*
    As much as I would like that we played against all the opponents,the difference in quality of play is so big that the end result would probably be the same. Ok,the round win/loss would not be 36:0,maybe we would lose a few each match,but it wouldn't matter much.

    Until we don't meet next time,keep the medals coming :-)

    Thanks to all the teams that played in the league,was fun to play and challenging( at times :D ).
    We had a very nice run this season,we took now the 4v4 and I hope we can do it again next season.
    I wish good luck to all the teams for next season and gute spiele *HAPPY*

    Vielen Dank an alle Teams, gute Spiele! War tolle Saison, ich hoffe, wir sehen euch alle für die nächste Saison zu.

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Team 2 und Team 3 für Silber-und Bronzemedaillen!

    Best regards

    PS I used google translate :D

    Hello folks, I had no idea that you discussed "me" here but Flatty told me so I wanted to post a bit on this interesting situation.

    I see Forr still has a hard on for me (from the older days when he get killed a lot ;) ) so he picked up the topic from IMS clan's "wall of shame" . Note for unaware : IMS is a collection of paranoid poor players who kick and ban anyone who is better then them. Thats why some of us call them "IMS=I Must Suck". Anyway back to the topic.
    The kick line in question is a simple restriction. As per Fragnader here :


    The catch is that it is a restriction and not a violation. When I asked PB about this they said "If only 'cheat' software caused this kick it would be a violation." We don't ban innocent players and will not ban for a restriction that COULD be a cheat. -Fragnader

    The simpel restriction is caused by many reasons (in my case "autohotkey" application". I even posted in that topic I linked where I defended killer53 from my own clan(ex[96]). My post in that same topic:


    I have a buddy from my clan that is buying his 3rd(third!) AMD CPU since his motherboard seems to kill them like mice.He is stubborn enough to not buy a new board since he thinks it's something else killing CPUs... Well to cut the story short,when all this trouble began he had a pile of these corrupted memory kicks(exactly the same kick line) along with blue screens in his windows OS(back in April). Also,kick is being issued if you have autohotkey installed(I know it since I got it too back in december i think- I wanted to disable the stupid alt-tab key combo since my AA3 game crashes if i alt tab by accident,say when you press alt for running and then TAB to see the map). After i removed the stupid autohotkey it was all fine.

    So PB knows this thing is being triggered by a wide range of hardware and software conflicts and that's why it's called restriction as Fragnader said. Banning innocent players because a cheat could cause it would be ridiculous.AntiCheat Inc - View Profile: ^]-[ammerOf_Justice
    AntiCheat Inc - View Profile: ^]-[ammerOf_Justice

    Similar can be said for the players that get the Unable to lock DDRaw Surface. I personally thought it was a sure sign of a cheat (before) but when I read replies to my topic here (private section,requires Private Member Access) I knew this could be triggered by something else(Jimbo is ACI's PBSS staff!) :


    Nothing is definite. I've had these "unable to lock ddraw surface" shots, but I don't cheat. So keeping that in mind, there could be plenty of different reasons specific shots show up.

    Same goes for the restrictions with numbers 13xxxx which is caused by many many applications (some even by pre release Vista or Windows 7...). We have many more examples but I just wanted to give you some examples ;).
    The point is: PB is not a perfect AC utility and it gets triggered by many different causes. That's why Evenbalance( as they made the software and they know it best) uses different classifications for Kick Lines: restrictions and violations. Restrictions are not bannable while Violations MAY be. Even for violations you have different codes so thee is a huge difference (communication kicks that are regarded as violations are ,for example, not bannable- it would suck to get banned for timeout connection,wouldn't it? :D). As you can see,the corrupted memory kicks are regarded as restrictions and are caused(I was told this by Evenbalance in my ticket I submitted 2 years ago): "regular software( autohotkey as in my case-it's a free program that is used for binding shortcuts on the keyboard) ,certain software suits (security such as antivirus etc.), certain hardware failures( memory controller/ DRAM memory failures) AND certain cheat software. The cheat in this question was an old cheat that was easily bannable by VISUAL evidence - that's right all of the "users" with that cheat that get kicked could be checked for bad screenshots and sure they had dirty screens and it was an very easy ban by pbss submission (unless they had black ones in which case admin could ask them to fix it and rejoin).

    @ Corax

    The static GUID is STILL there. It's new one with the new patch but it's still there. Dynamic GUID is ONLY for AA2 as this game is discontinued(players get assigned dynamic ones)

    Cheers all
    Ivan aka HammerTime

    Hi all. I must say that I was shocked to find those screenshots. The reason why I even looked in the pbviewer is because of some other player (Canadian guy with high ping who shot really good). At first I thought it may be someone else in the screenshots(a pb glitch),but when I saw his name in them ,there was no doubt left. SimonSaiz and me played against him that night and we won many rounds(killed him many times). So he was running the cheat ,had a DMR rifle (!!!) and we still managed to kill him... Pretty bad all around.

    Anyway,this is the reality: punkbuster is getting better and better every day. The cheat that Mz guy was running (which he probably thought was undetectable?) is now getting dozens of bans in the ACI submission forum. Many players are now busted because of the visual evidence. So look for screenshots on your server and report the cheaters to anticheat orgs as there will be many of them busted in the coming days.

    Ivan aka Hammer

    Flatlander, vielleicht solltet ihr auch Hammer überprüfen.
    Bei AA2 war er kein Engeln...ganz und gar nicht. Und seine Aussagen wie "Bei AA2 war ich voll der Noob, ich wusste nicht was eine Ini ist" kann er sich sparen. Bei ihm konnte man eigentlich immer nur auf die Eier schiessen, weil die Kugeln durch sein Kopf durchgegangen sind wie durch Luft, soviel zum Thema ini.

    Dude you are so full of it that you need to reboot your brain,it stopped working.Completely.

    I was and I still am one of the best AA2 snipers.I'm number 2(or3) on Urban Assault map top list,and I stopped playing the game 2 years ago lol. I was accepted as ACI private member back in AA2 days. I never touched ini files so i have no idea where you pull that crap from. And more interestingly I have no recollection of you or any other aP/AoN/IC guys back from the AA2 days.You were so uninteresting that I have a blank space when it comes to you guys.Zero.Nadda.

    So cut the BS with attacking others and sort out the mess in your own clan.And get your stories straight.First he wanted to try the hack to see the "advantage cheaters have" and then comes the other story of him and his brother getting into a fight so he want's to mess with him and runs a cheat to spoil brother's account.Bunch of BS.Completely.

    Leon played on 96,NBT and aP server the same day he was caught. On 96 and aP screens were clear,on NBT he was caught. BTW all this sounds so familiar when I look back to Bridge war against aP where abadon played with Falcon guy(Falcon was okay,nothing against him). Abadon used m4 with m68 aimpoint and headshots us across the hole freaking bridge,on numerous occasions .It was unreal,like in a dream or something.We couldn't even get pass the middle tower,we were immediately down.Bang bang,2 shots top and we are dead. Smelled fishy back then,now it makes sense perfectly.

    I don't care if we have zero point if we don't play against you guys.You have stainted your clan now and the link to cheating will be always present no matter what you do.Abadon will forever be linked via static IP to his brother's account.


    Sorry for this rant,I just can't stand still when someone spreads BS about me on desbl forum.