
Once upon a time in the fascinating world of gaming, a group of ten talented gamers formed an unbeatable team - Team Pog N Poggers. The members, led by their charismatic captain LeFluff, were on a mission: to conquer the gaming world with their skills and go down in the annals of gaming history as legends.

LeFluff, the experienced leader of the team, was known for his strategic thinking and his ability to keep a cool head at crucial moments. He had a knack for getting the best out of each member and forming the team into a harmonious unit.

KiNi, the skillful tactician, was known for always thinking one step ahead. His quick reflexes and ability to develop unconventional strategies made him an indispensable member of the Pog N Poggers team.

Psy4, the master of psy-games, brought a unique energy to the team. His ability to outwit the opponent with psychological tricks made him a feared player in the scene.

B0LT, the lightning fast, was known for his outstanding speed and precision. His aim was to take control of every match and dictate the pace.

Gooody, the always good-humored one, with the speech impediment.

Kubi, the cool one, was the man for the critical. His ability to take precise shots under pressure made him an irreplaceable sniper in the team.

Rafi, the calm one, was known for his stoic calm even in the most heated battles. His composure and analytical mind made him a reliable backbone of the team.

Yung, the youngster, brought a refreshing dynamic to the group.

Nex, the tireless one, was known for his stamina and ability to perform consistently over long stretches. He was the player you could rely on in the decisive moments. (RIP 29.12.23)

Onyx, the unpredictable one, was the secret of the team. His unconventional approaches and unexpected maneuvers made him a one-off who often caused surprises.

Together, these ten unique individuals formed the unbeatable Team Pog N Poggers.
Team beitreten

Team-ID: 25314

Aktuelle Wettbewerbe des Teams
[PC] Rainbow Six Siege
Saison: [PC] Rainbow Six Siege: Ultimate League #23
Typ: 5vs5