
[PS4] Battlefield 1 [PS4|BF1] T5 Domination Wintercup 2017
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[PS4] Battlefield 1 [PS4] Battlefield 1: Domination T5 Neujahrs-Cup
Platz 2 Platz 2
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[PS4] Battlefield 1 [PS4] Battlefield 1 Faschingscup 2018
Platz 2 Platz 2
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[Xbox+PS] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 [XBO+PS] COD MW2: Finally Friday Cup #3 Core
Platz 3 Platz 3
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[Xbox+PS] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 [XBO+PS] COD MW3 CORE | Season Challenge #2
Platz 3 Platz 3
VerteX Revenge (VrtX)
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Team beitreten

Team-ID: 4396

Aktuelle Season-Wettbewerbe des Teams
[PS] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Saison: [PS] Call of Duty MW III: 2vs2 S&Z HC 3. Liga C #2
Typ: 2vs2
[PS] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Saison: [PS] Call of Duty MW III: 4vs4 S&Z HC 2. Liga B #2
Typ: 4vs4
[PS] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Saison: [PS] Call of Duty MW III: 6vs6 S&Z HC 3. Liga B #2
Typ: 6vs6
[Xbox+PS] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Saison: [XBO+PS] COD MW3 CORE | Allmode 4vs4 | Season #2
Typ: 4vs4
[Xbox+PS] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Saison: [XBO+PS] COD MW3 CORE | Allmode 4vs4 | Season #2
Typ: 4vs4
[Xbox+PS] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Saison: [XBO+PS] COD MW3 CORE | S#2 S&Z 4v4 | Ultimate League
Typ: 4vs4
[Xbox+PS] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Saison: [XBO+PS] COD MW3 CORE | S#2 S&Z 4v4 | Starter League
Typ: 4vs4
[Xbox+PS] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Saison: [XBO+PS] COD MW3 CORE | S#2 S&Z 2vs2 | League
Typ: 2vs2
Aktuelle Cup-Wettbewerbe des Teams
[PS] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Cup: [PS] CoD MW III: 3vs3 S&Z HC Cup #1
Typ: 3vs3
[PS] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Cup: [PS] CoD MW III: 3vs3 S&Z Sour Cup sponsored by Triebwerk Energy
Typ: 3vs3